Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Data Docs: The Open-Source Overview

December 4th, 2013 | General | Susan McGregor | No Comments

Thanks to lots of positive feedback and generous support from the Knight Foundation, what began more than a year ago as a very rough prototype of an interactive, data-driven web series has finally been refactored into the first components of a fully-fledged web platform that allows filmmakers, developers, journalists and storytellers of all kinds to […]

FRED’s new (data-format) friend, JSON

August 27th, 2013 | General | Susan McGregor | 2 Comments

It’s probably clear by now that we here at Data Docs have a lot of love for AL/FRED, the vast web- and API-accessible economic data repository run by the St. Louis Fed. It is fair to say, though, that we never loved all parts of AL/FRED equally; while the thoroughness, timeliness, and accuracy of its […]

Getting to know FRED: Insight into the Federal Reserve’s economic data API

July 18th, 2013 | General | Susan McGregor | 2 Comments

I was first introduced to FRED sometime in 2007, shortly after joining as Senior Programmer on the News Graphics team. My first projects in that role were designed, in part, to demonstrate the scope and efficiency that data technologies could bring to our work. Though we succeeded in publishing more comprehensive, explorable pieces, many […]

The salt plugin for Popcorn: how it works

July 1st, 2013 | General | Susan McGregor | No Comments

The salt plugin for Popcorn.js is the backbone of the DataDocs platform. Put simply, salt allows you to control the visibility of HTML divs on a page according to the timestamp of your video. Though all the code you need is on the github page, this post will offer a quick conceptual overview of what […]